miércoles, 8 de diciembre de 2010


I am so sorry because yesterday I forgot to tell you that we are not going to have classes today Wednesday due to the Christmas Festival at the Auditorium. So, instead of seeing you in the classroom I will see you at the auditorium at 5:00pm, okay? Spread the word please!!

3 comentarios:

  1. oh misS...I tHiNk tHat wE alL fiNd oUt foR tHe mesSagE iN tHe bOarD =)p ...tHe sHow waS gReaT! ... tHe sOngs and the cHrisTmaS sPiriT ...jeje ... but the sOund iN tHe aUditOriUms iS bad ... ...goOd daY! =D ...

  2. GOOOOOOd show¡¡¡¡ very nice :) :D

  3. Thank you for your comments :D
    Yeah, the sound of the auditorium is not the best :( But I am glad you enjoyed the show. I enjoyed too!
